

Writer & Poet

Abstract Gold Splash Stroke
Quill Feather Pen And Inkwell

Est. 2023

My Books

Bruised Bluebird

Bruised Bluebird is Shanel Hewitt's first collection

of poetry and prose; first published on 2/3/23 and

has since been revised.

The anthology explores the sharp and vulnerable

process of Heartache, Healing and Love. Navigating

the ups and downs of emotions like grief, loss, and

acceptance; Bruised Bluebird depicts how healing is

not linear and most times a tumultuous journey.

Still, sorrow can create beautiful things.

May this collection serve as a reminder of that.

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Torn Black Paper Transparent Background Straight

Current work

White Rabbit

White Rabbit is Shanel Hewitt's second collection of poetry and prose. (Unreleased)

Curated for the Curious, this collection is geared towards challenging your consciousness by discussing the uncomfortable corners of our humanity in the hopes of stimulating questions, hopefully, starting conversations

There is currently no set release date for this collection

Abstract Gold Splash Stroke

About the Author

Shanel Hewitt is a Belizean Canadian writer and poet; currently residing in Vancouver, BC. Her love for writing developed at age 11 when she read “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allan Poe. It wasn’t until the age of 15 that she found a deep love for poetry through the likes of Charles Bukowski, Sylvia Plath and Friedrich Nietzsche.

Drawing influences from many poets and philosophers alike. Shanel has adopted a similar style of writing; Curious by nature, Shanel writes about everything, but her favourite topics are the one's she calls “the big feels!” Existence, Grief, self-Love, Growth, and Healing of the inner child.

Shanel is a mother to a 6-year-old boy, who she says inspires her to see the magic in the mundane.

In 2023 she released her first collection of poetry and prose, Bruised Bluebird, originally titled “When A Bruised Bluebird Sings.” It captivates a raw look at healing from heartbreak and grief while returning home to oneself.

Abstract Gold Splash Stroke

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Quill Feather Ink Pen Hand Vintage Woodcut Print

Shanel Hewitt